Hi all, in this video i will show how to install Arch Linux Dual Boot with Windows 10.

The bootloader utilized is Grub and boot mode is uefi.

The Arch Linux installation will be only the base system with network and bootloader.

I will use virtual machine, but the procedure is the same and it does not affect.

I hope you enjoy!


  1. Boot the PC and press the manufacturers key to open the BIOS. Common keys used: Esc, Delete, F1, F2, F9, F10, F11, or F12.
  2. Disable fastboot in BIOS settings.
  3. Disable fastboot in BIOS settings.
  4. Go to security > secure Boot and disable secure boot in BIOS settings.
  5. Make sure that SATA controller is set to AHCI mode in BIOS settings.


Wireless Network Config


Keyboard Layout



1. Preparing Windows

2. Boot

3. Install Arch Linux

3.1 Keymap

$ loadkeys yourKeyboardLayout

3.2 Internet

I use wired ethernet, if you use wireless see the links in description.

3.3 Mirrors

$ reflector -c "BR" -f 12 -n 10 -l 12 \
--save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
$ pacman -Syy

3.4 Partitioning

3.5 Formatting

3.6 Mounting

3.7 Base Install

$ pacstrap /mnt base base-devel \
linux linux-firmware vim sudo networkmanager

3.8 Fstab

3.9 Enter Install (arch-chroot)

3.10 Time Zone

$ ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Region/City \

3.11 Locales

Edit /etc/locale.gen and uncomment the line for your language.

$ locale-gen

Edit /etc/locale.conf and put your language


Edit /etc/vconsole.conf and put your keyboard layout.

$ KEYMAP=yourKeyboardLayout

3.12 Network Config

$ echo "yourHostName">/etc/hostname

Edit /etc/hosts	localhost
::1			localhost	yourHostname.localdomain	yourHostName

3.13 Install Grub

$ pacman -S grub os-prober efibootmgr ntfs-3g dosfstools mtools

Edit /etc/default/grub and put this in the end off file.


3.14 Root Password

$ passwd

3.15 Exit, umount and reboot

$ exit
$ umount -a
$ reboot

3.16 create new user

$ useradd -m -G wheel yourUserName
$ passwd yourUserName
$ export EDITOR=vim
$ visudo
$ reboot

3.17 Finish