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  2. NTFS-3G Arch Linux Wiki

0. Intro

Hi all, in this video i will show how to automatically mount NTFS partitions in Linux Mint 20.2 read and write to your regular user.

I will mount the partition on /SecondaryDisk directory, so you can change to the directory where you want and any name.

I hope you enjoy!

1. Show on Windows

Follow the video…

2. Edit Fstab

I will mount ntfs partition on /SecondaryDisk directory.

Localize the partition you want mount.

$ sudo xed /etc/fstab > /dev/null 2>&1 &
$ lsblk
$ sudo blkid /dev/[dev partition]
$ sudo cat /etc/passwd | grep $(whoami)

Format : UUID= /SecondaryDisk ntfs-3g uid=userid,gid=groupid 0 0

Save fstab and exit editor.

3. Create Directory and Mount

$ sudo mkdir /SecondaryDisk
$ sudo chmod a+rw  /SecondaryDisk
$ sudo chown :theduckchannel /SecondaryDisk
$ sudo mount -a

4. Finish