
1. Set the Keyboard Layout

$ loadkeys yourKeyboardLayout

The default console keymap is US. Available layouts can be listed with:

$ ls /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/**/*.map.gz

2. Config the Best Mirrors

$ reflector -c "BR" -f 12 -n 10 -l 12 \
--save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist --verbose

$ pacman -Syy

3. Partitioning the Disk

$ fdisk /dev/yourDevice

Create the root partition and the swap.

4. Formatting the partitions

use mkfs.ext4, mkswap and mkfs.fat.

5. Mounting

use mount and swapon.

6. Install the Base

$ pacstrap /mnt base base-devel linux \
linux-firmware vim sudo networkmanager \
efibootmgr grub

7. Generate fstab

$ genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

8. Enter the install

$ arch-chroot /mnt

9. Timezone

$ ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Region/City /etc/localtime

10. Localization

Edit /etc/locale.gen and uncomment your locale. After, generate the locales by running:

$ locale-gen

Create the /etc/locale.conf and set the LANG variable


Create /etc/vconsole.conf with your keyboard layout:


11. Network configuration

Create /etc/hostname with the name your host


Create /etc/hosts   localhost
::1         localhost   nameFromYourHost.localdomain nameFromYourHost
$ systemctl enable NetworkManager

12. Set the root password

$ passwd

13. Install the Bootloader

$ grub-install --target=x86_64-efi \
--efi-directory=/boot/efi \

$ grub-mkconfig -o \

14. Umount and Reboot

$ exit
$ umount -a
$ reboot

15. Create a new user

$ useradd -m -G wheel yourUsername
$ passwd yourUsername