1. Video
  2. Greetings
  3. Links
  4. Steps
    1. 1. Install git
    2. 2. Install bspwm
    3. 3. Finish



Ubuntu 21.04 Full Install bspwm Environment

Hi all, in this video i will show how to Install a full bspwm environment on Ubuntu 21.04.

bspwm is a tiling window manager that represents windows as the leaves of a full binary tree. bspwm supports multiple monitors and is configured and controlled through messages.

I hope you enjoy!


  1. The Duck Channel´s bspwm Ubuntu 21.04 REPOSITORY
  2. Ubuntu
  3. bspwm - Arch Linux - Wiki
  4. bspwm on Github


1. Install git

$ sudo apt install git

2. Install bspwm

$ git clone https://github.com/theduckchannel/bspwm-ubuntu 
$ cd bspwm-ubuntu/
$ ./setup.py

In the finish, you will see the message, and press any key for reboot.

After reboot, type your passsword and choose bspwm in Display Manager, as image bellow:


3. Finish

Follow the video

Please, visit the The Duck Channel´s bspwm Repository to Ubuntu 21.04. You will see a list with every shortcuts available.