Manjaro with Btrfs and snapper [2021]
Published on: August 13, 2021
0. Intro
Hi all, in this video i show how to install Manjaro with btrfs, snapshots and Grub-Btrfs.
- The boot mode will be efi;
- I’m assuming you already have the usb stick with the Manjaro Linux ISO.
- Buggie will be Desktop Environment in this case.
I hope you enjoy!
1. Install
[Subtitle 01] Any moment you can access the site in description and see every command i gave here.
[Subtitle 02] I will create 3 partitions. [Show partition scheme image]
[Subtitle 03] I’m assuming you upgraded your system in order to continue. I
2. Enable AUR
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3. Install and Config Snapper
Edit /etc/snapper/configs/root
[subtitle 04] We will create snapper config for root snapshots.
And put your username in:
Change the folowing lines to:
[subtitle 05] If you want know about this parameters, you can visit the site in description.
#mount -o subvol=@/@snapshots /dev/sda3 /.snapshots
4. Fstab
Edit /etc/fstab and add the line for mount /.snapshots:
5. Reinstall Grub
Edit /etc/default/grub and comment out the line 3
6. Install snapper-gui
7. Start the Services
8. Create your First Snapshot
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